There is no shortage of reasons to strive for a more sustainable diet: preservation of the environment (water, soil, climate, biodiversity), economic viability of family farms, maintenance of social ties, health...

But where to start? And why? What priorities need to be set in order to be effective and keep the changes going over time?

The aim of the "Sustainable Diets - Understand" course is to answer these questions. In three chapters, the main criteria of food sustainability are described and justified. Once I've read them, I'll know how to define sustainability, what elements make it up and why. I'll also know why some ideas about sustainability are wrong!

Two other courses complete this relatively theoretical course:

  • "Taking action with an omnivorous diet", which describes how to improve the sustainability of my diet by making as few changes as possible from the current average diet,

  • "Moving towards a predominantly plant-based diet", which describes how to go further by adopting a highly plant-based (but not vegan) sustainable diet.

I can start with either of these paths if I feel like taking concrete action right away, and come back to this one later, as I feel like it.